Why Jesus' Ascension is the Most Powerful Event in History!

Why Jesus' Ascension is the Most Powerful Event in History!


The ascension of Jesus is not merely a historical event; it is a cornerstone of Christian faith that instills profound hope and anticipation for believers regarding the glory that awaits them. In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, we are presented with the momentous occasion of Jesus ascending into Heaven, a significant milestone that signifies the fulfillment of a long-awaited promise. This event not only marks the conclusion of His earthly ministry but also sets the stage for the arrival of the Holy Spirit, who would empower and guide the disciples in their mission.

Initially, the disciples found it difficult to accept Jesus' departure. Their hearts were   heavy with the weight of loss, and they were reluctant to let go of the one who had been their teacher, friend, and Savior. Yet, in His infinite wisdom, Jesus reassured them that His ascension was not an end but a necessary step in God's divine plan. He explained that without His departure, the Comforter—the Holy Spirit—could not come to dwell among them. This promise of the Holy Spirit was crucial, as it would provide them with the guidance, strength, and empowerment needed to carry forth the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

The mystery of Jesus' ascension is profound. It is essential for Him to take His rightful place at the right hand of the Father, where He serves as our mediator. This position is not merely symbolic; it is a testament to His ultimate sacrifice on the cross and His unwavering obedience to God, even unto death. Through His ascension, Jesus affirms His authority and the completion of His redemptive work, assuring believers that their sins are atoned for and that they have an advocate in Heaven.

As the disciplesstood in awe, theireyes fixed on the heavens, theywitnessed the miraculous sight of Jesus being taken up into the clouds. This moment solidified the hope that Christians cling to today—the hope of eternal life and the promise of Jesus' return. Their astonishment, however, was soon interrupted by the presence of angels, who gently reminded them of the significance of what they had just witnessed. The angels inquired why they were still gazing into the sky, emphasizing that Jesus, who had been taken into Heaven, would return in thesame manner.

This promise of His return is a powerful reminder for all believers. Unlike His first coming, which was marked by humility and the circumstances of a stable in Bethlehem, His second coming will be a glorious event. He will return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, enveloped in divine glory and accompanied by a host of angels, visible to all. This promise of His return is a call to readiness for those who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior, as Jesus is coming soon to gather His faithful followers and take them home. Are you prepared for that glorious day?



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